martedì 24 gennaio 2012

The Future

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"This scene was meant to make it clear that Sophie was struggling against distraction, after losing time on YouTube—we all know how alluring these distractions are, and here we are seeing her attempting to take charge.I had her rig up a grape juice booby trap. In the next scene, which is actually in the movie, you see her run past the table and her white dress is covered in grape juice, which seemed like a funny visual way of showing that she had sacrificed the dress for the internet. Except that nobody got the whole grape juice trap. I don't think a single person understood why she was doing any of it. It just seemed like a bizarre performance in the middle of the movie. So I cut it. It's nice to show it here, and hopefully with the cards it isn't too mystifying."

Un bellissimo film
Thank you Saru/Baka per avercelo portato a casa venerdì scorso!
Ma come per i libri, non racconto nulla, perchè il mio punto di vista non è interessante.
Alcune frivolezze:  vorrei abitare in un appartamento simile a quello che si vede nel film e praticamente le svaligerei il guardaroba! (☞゚ヮ゚)

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